Since my start of this infertility journey, I have had a new appreciation for the way God has designed us. There are so many intricate details that God designed in order for the woman's body to work in perfect harmony.
There are so many hormones ...
So many cycles of cellular life ...
Then there is the "perfect timing" ...
Just knowing all the many DETAILS God put into the art of procreation!
It is truly a miracle each and every time a woman conceives. I challenge you to research this process if you have never done so: the process of conception, pregnancy, and birth. You will have a new appreciation for life, I assure you!
That being said, I have at times struggled with being "mad" at my own body. Even talking to it sometimes.
"Ok ... get it right, body."
But why would I be mad at this body God chose to give me? The temple in which He chose my soul to dwell?
I suppose many other people have felt the same way: cancer patients, long-term illness patients, and so on.
Has anyone else ever had these feelings? Or even experienced these feelings in the name of a loved one who suffers?
Perhaps God is teaching me a lesson in all this. But, sometimes I struggle with the meaning of it all.
I don't have to feel alone, though. Did you know that over 7.3 million women in the USA alone have suffered from infertility?
Walking into my fertility clinic the other day, I saw many different women walk through the doors. Business women. Different nationalities. Short. Tall. Well-Dressed. Women who, in all appearances, seemed normal. My heart went out to them. I share their secret burden. I felt connected to women I didn't even know.
That day my RE explained that one of my hormones, AMH, indicated that I have diminished ovarian reserve. In other words, my ovaries do not function as they should for someone my age.
She told me that I don't have much time to waste, so she put me on a 'fast track" infertility treatment plan.
She plans to have me take an oral medication, Clomid, my next cycle in order to stimulate my ovaries. I will then have to get blood tests and sonograms to make sure my ovaries are responding well. When my follicles are large enough to release an egg, I will then take an injection of HcG in order to "force ovulation". Then, I will use ovulation test sticks (same as a pregnancy test) to know about the time I will ovulate. When I have a positive result, I have to call my fertility clinic and schedule a time for an IUI (intrauteine insemination).
And then we will wait ...
If that cycle does not result in a pregnancy, she will put me on more aggressive medication injections.
We will take it one day at a time, holding on to hope each and every step!
Thank you all for your outpouring of love and support! We are truly humbled.