Friday, February 15, 2013

Motherhood in the Cinches

Motherhood in the Cinches

Cinch (n. an extremely easy task).

Umm,  I think not.  Motherhood is far from a cinch.
Perhaps closer to a trench (n. a long, narrow ditch)?

Hmmm...I don't like the way that sounds, either.  Although, I can certainly testify to the fact that it can feel that way at times.

Why is motherhood so tough sometimes?  

Today, was admittedly a hard day for me.  Maybe it was the fussy, not-feeling-well baby.  Or the projectile spit up that saturated my shirt.  Or the spit up x 3 that I had to clean out of the carpet today.  Or the screaming baby that wouldn't go down for a nap.  Or that pile of laundry that seems to keep staring at me mocking, "I keep getting larger and larger, mhwahahaha!"

Whatever it may be, it was hard.  

Let's be real, ladies.  Motherhood is NOT an easy task.  Why do we allow the Martha Stewarts and the Pinterest fad to brain wash us?  Can we just all openly admit to not being perfect?

Please tell me I am not the only one who has ever intended on making that Pinterest-inspired recipe, donning that Pinterest-inspired outfit with the cute Pinterest-inspired hairdo to impress my husband when he gets home from work? 

It's more like this:
Take care of baby - check.
Shower - eh, that can wait.
Brush teeth - what's that?
Husband - Call him at work and whine about hard day.
Dinner - take-out?
Take care of baby - check.

I'm not complaining, folks.  I'm being real.  Maybe we ladies and fellow mothers should shed all disguises of perfection, so that when we look at one another in secret desperation we can have confidence in the fact that WE HAVE ALL BEEN THERE!

I may not end up the mother that makes all mothers in my son's classroom think,
 "Wow, she is Supermom!"  
Frankly, baking is not my forte and I don't execute cute little decorated cupcakes very well.  
For that, Jacob, I apologize in advance. 

But I do know this: God gives me grace to be the best mother I can be.  My son gives me grace, even in his babyhood.  For that, I am so grateful.

Now, I need to work on giving myself some grace.  That's the hard part.

 Oh, and did you know that cinch is also a verb?
Cinch (v. to fasten tightly, to make certain, to assure).

Motherhood in the CINCHES.

I choose to let go of my idea of perfection.
I choose to CINCH Jacob up with love and security by his imperfect, yet perfect-for-him mommy.

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